Why create a Blog on Dancing Pixel Studios' Sixaxis Controller App?

Well... I love my Android Tablet (Asus Transformer Prime) and I love gaming, especially First or Third Person Shooters and Racing games! I do, however, get frustrated with touch screen controls, you do get used to them eventually, but what could be better than playing games like Modern Combat Sandstorm & Shadowgun with your Playstation Sixaxis or Dualshock controller.

My tablet also has the ability to connect to my HD TV via a micro HDMI out :-) I want to play at home on my  big screen in HD Glory!

If you are lucky enough to have an android device that supports 'native' game controllers, there are some games like Shadowgun, Dead Trigger, GTAIII and Max Payne that allow you to connect your Playstation controller via bluetooth to play them without the need to Root your device or use additional software to make your controller work. Great! But what about the other quality games out there that don't support use of your Gamepad? Games like Modern Combat Sandstorm, Nova 3, 9mm, Asphalt6, are all quality games, and I dont understand why developers don't add support for popular gamepads!

With a few google searches and some silly questions on the XDA forum I found Dancing Pixels Sixaxis Controller app! It promised to take my Android Gaming experience to a whole new level! It allows you to map your touch screen controls to any button or analogue sticks on your Playstation 3 Sixaxis or Dualshock controller! Sweeeeeeet! That's what I was after!

I'll let you know now that I am not a developer or android geek and am probably considered a NOOB on may of the android forums I follow. It takes a bit of effort to get the  Sixaxis Controller app working on your device. First, your phone or tablet must be rooted! Second, You have to pair your controller to your device. Third, It takes a bit of effort and reading to create your touch screen maps for whatever game you want to play. I had to do a good bit of reading and searching for instructions on how to do this. I am a NOOB after all :-) Eventually I mastered setting up my favourite games and it is quite easy when you know how.  ;-)

So, back on topic... Why did I create this blog? I wanted to provide a one stop shop for all the NOOBs or anyone out there that need a bit of help getting the Sixaxis Controller app to work. I also wanted to create a forum where people can comment and discuss different games they have mapped and enjoy using their Playstation controller. I'll provide video guides and a PDF Guide that covers every aspect of the Sixaxis Controller app. I will also upload any game maps that I create so you don't have to do the hard work.
I wont cover Rooting your device. Every Android device has a different root method and that's not what this blog is about. I will provide some useful links to help you with the whole rooting thing. But ultimately your on your own with that one.

I also want to hear your experiences with the app. Let me and others know any quick hints or tips or great map layouts you have configured.

Anyway enough rambling from me! I hope to start my video guides this week, so remember to follow me to get all the updates to this blog. But most of all....


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